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Choral Music at Strong Rock

The Strong Rock Christian School Choral Music Department provides students the opportunity to develop and express their God-given gifts and talents in choral music. We believe that students should enhance their individual potential to understand music as an art form, promote the use of music as a form of self-expression, value music as an aesthetic experience, and use music as an inspiring form of worship. Strong Rock choral offerings include general music instruction through the fourth grade, elementary and middle school choruses, praise teams, concert choirs, and select ensembles.The choral music program provides instruction which focuses on a sequential program of skills development while encouraging academic excellence and Christ-like character. 

Miranda Davis, Academy/High School Choral Instructor
David Floyd, Elementary Choral Instructor


SRCS Chorus Featured at Atlanta Braves Game

Elementary Music

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Fine Arts Questions

Steven Davis, Director of Fine Arts

Erin Bryant, Fine Arts Administrative Assistant