Learning Lab
Strong Rock Christian School strives to partner with parents and students to support their learning needs. Our teachers and curriculum are rigorous and thorough. Each classroom emphasizes differentiated instruction to meet learning needs. However, some students benefit from services beyond the classroom.
Learning Lab offers the next step through academic support services without lowering the academic excellence provided at SRCS. Our program provides support through monitoring progress, academic coaching, learning strategies, and teaching of skills. At the same time, we strive to offer enrichment services to give students the opportunity to pursue enrichment beyond the classroom curriculum to encourage the gifted learner to meet their highest potential. Several programs are encompassed in the Learning Lab: PEP, PACE, PASS, S3, AND TAC.
Enrollment Form
Pricing Information
Patriot Enrichment Program (PEP) - Grades 2nd-5th Participation in this program is $750. Payment options:
- Dispersed payments through the school year based on my FACTS schedule
- One payment in full.
Patriot Academic Course Enrichment (PACE) - Grades 6th-8th Participation in this program is $750. Payment options:
- Dispersed payments through the school year based on my FACTS schedule
- One payment in full.
Patriot Academic Support Services (PASS)- Grades K-12th Participation in this program is $1,800 for Level 2. Payment options:
- Dispersed payments through the school year based on my FACTS schedule.
- One payment in full.
*With administrative approval, students may move to Level 1 or Level 3. Participation in PASS Level 1 is $950. Participation in PASS Level 3 is $2,200.
Payment options:
- Dispersed payments through the school year based on my FACTS schedule.
- One payment in full.
P.A.S.S is an acronym for Patriot Academic Support Services. Kindergarten through 5th grade Learning Lab:
- Weekly sessions (35-45 minutes) to remediate, preview, and bridge existing academic gaps
- Academic strategies designed for individual learning needs
- Support and communication for family, student, and teacher(s)
- Analysis of learning needs and strategic planning
- Time & organization management
- Support in study skills
- Management of accommodations through a Student Teacher Educational Plan
- Accommodations for Standardized Tests
6th grade through 12th grade Learning Lab:
- Weekly sessions (15-20 minutes) for academic coaching, planning, managing accommodations, and support for the student
- Academic strategies designed for individual learning needs
- Support in constructing & reaching academic goals
- Support and communication for family, student, and teacher(s)
- Analysis of learning needs and strategic planning
- Management of accommodations through a student/teacher educational plan
- Student advocate
- Time & organization management
- Support in study skills
- Testing accommodations based on individual needs/education plan (a documented need must be provided for HS testing accommodations)
We offer 3 levels of PASS based on the grade level and individual needs of the student.
What students benefit from Learning Lab’s PASS Services?
- Students diagnosed with a specific learning disabilities
- A student having difficulty transitioning from one grade level to another or into a new school
- A student striving to improve GPA for college applications
- Students suspected of having a possible learning disability
- Students with ADHD
- A student that needs to learn organizational and time management skills
- A student that needs motivation or a boost in self-confidence through a mentor and academic coaching
- A student active in extra-curricular activities that needs support in managing time and workload
- A student with a diagnosed learning or medical need
- A student not meeting their academic potential
TAC (Testing & Accommodation Center):
Our Testing & Accommodation Center offers accommodations such as extended time and small group testing. The TAC can be used for 6th-12th grade students with testing accommodation noted in his/her educational plan.
- Testing in grades K-5 are accommodated through the teacher and the Learning Lab instructor or ETAC (Elementary Testing and Accommodation Center).
- The PASS program is offered at an additional cost.
- Limited spots available.
P.E.P. is an acronym for Patriot Enrichment Program.
PEP is a program at SRCS for 2nd through 5th graders to extend learning beyond the classroom for enrichment purposes.
Criteria for Eligibility:
- Teacher Recommendations/Surveys*
- Standardized Test Scores**
- Parent Consent
- Conduct
*Teacher and parent referrals are reviewed for eligibility. *
*Parents are notified if indicators are evident of possibly eligibility.
- 2nd-5th grade
- Morning or afternoon weekly sessions
- Themed units to encourage critical thinking and exploration into unit studies involving project based learning, STEM, and activities throughout the academic subjects.
Examples of our Unit Studies:
- Engineering
- Elections/Government
- Human Body
- Architecture
- Robotics
- Westward Expansion
A rubric is the tool used to indicate eligibility. The program is an additional cost. Letters of eligibility will be mailed home to families. Students may apply each school year. New students enrolled at SRCS interested in applying for PEP need to contact Dr. Gilreath within the first six weeks of the school year to discuss the opportunity. Applications for the upcoming school year are collected in the spring of each year. Limited spots available in each class.
P.A.C.E. is an acronym for Patriot Academic Course Enrichment. PACE is an enrichment course for 6th-8th Grade students that replaces the standard grade level course.
Our course offerings may change based on needs and opportunities. If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Lab office.
- 6th Grade: Science Course (Science Fair and Hands On Exploration)
- 7th Grade: Language Arts & Latin
- 8th Grade: Algebra I (Student Astronaut Competition)
Limited spots available in each class.
Students must be eligible to participate.
We are very excited to offer speech therapy as an additional service in Learning Lab. Parents or classroom teachers may suggest a referral to speech services. If you feel your child would benefit from speech services or if you question if your child has any speech related issues, you can contact our Speech Language Pathologist on campus, Susan Lockhart, to schedule a speech evaluation.
Speech services begin with an evaluation to determine if the student would benefit from direct speech therapy. The initial fee for the evaluation is $125. The initial evaluation will guide goal setting and therapeutic activities throughout the school year. If the report indicates that your child would benefit from speech, the parent and Susan Lockhart would decide which plan would best fit the needs for the family. The plans are listed below:
Plans Sessions Cost
Speech Plan A : Meets 1x weekly for 30 min - $1,500
Speech Plan B : Meets 2 x weekly for 30 min - $2,800
Speech Plan C : Meets monthly for 30 min - $500
- These prices do not include the evaluation fee.
- An additional option is available for re-enrolling students.
- Early Learning Center children CAN also utilize Speech services.
Susan Lockhart works with the classroom teacher(s) to decide on the best time to be seen during the school day and attempt to avoid missing out on important academic times. A re-evaluation and conference will be held at the end of the school year.
We believe that having the opportunity to work with students in the school day at our own campus is a valuable tool in supporting our students with speech needs. Students have weekly communication via email to the parents to re-enforce speech skills throughout the week. Mrs. Lockhart will also be in communication with classroom teachers so teachers may emphasize skills in the classroom as well.
We look forward to partnering with you this school year. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Lockhart at slockhart@strong-rock.com or 678-833-1200.

Suzanne Cardin

Dr. Tammy Gilreath

Kristi Heath

Nadine Hoenes

Candace Hoover

Susan Lockhart

Christy Pittman

Kimberly Robinson

Jessica Shoemake

Jo Ellen Smith

Vickie Smith