Elementary Curriculum
Kindergarten Core Classes
The Kindergarten Bible curriculum focuses on teaching God’s word, recognizing Christ as our Savior, encouraging Christlikeness, and applying Bible knowledge to our daily lives. Using resources from Bible Truths, we teach the following units: God’s Word, God’s World, God’s Love, God’s Friend Abraham, God’s Care, God’s Leader Moses, God’s Gifts for Thanksgiving, God’s Best Gift for Christmas, God’s Helpers (Joshua, David, and Jonah), God’s Son, Easter, Disciples, Prayer, and Missionaries. Kindergarten students perform a Christmas play entitled The Greatest Story Ever Told. Students memorize weekly Bible verses, learn to locate scriptures in their own Bibles, and recite Psalm 23 by the end of the year. Our hope is that students will come to know and love the great God who created their world.
Language Arts
The Kindergarten language arts curriculum provides many opportunities for students to increase their listening skills, phonemic awareness, writing, and reading skills through exposure to various materials and participating in whole group and small group activities. Students will discover a love for reading by becoming independent readers during the year. The Superkids Reading Program is our primary resource and is built upon five principles: motivation, integrated reading, explicit phonics instruction, phonemic awareness, and a multimodal approach to engage learners in a variety of ways. In writing, correct letter formation is stressed along with concepts of print. Through creative journal writing, students will increase their writing skills and expand their use of vocabulary. Students will be introduced to five types of written communication: lists and labels, informational writing, nonfiction, personal narrative, and response to literature.
The Kindergarten mathematics curriculum focuses on mastering the basics which are essential to present and future success. Our main resource is McGraw-Hill My Math which is a research based program committed to developing the student's deeper understanding through hands-on activities, technology, games, enrichment practice, and tutorials. This program is used in conjunction with a variety of supplemental materials and manipulatives in order to address all Kindergarten math standards.
The Kindergarten science curriculum allows students to discover, explore, and investigate many aspects of the world God created for us. Through our thematic units and hands-on learning experiences, students are engaged in learning about the following concepts: habits of the mind (the five senses and gathering data), earth science (rocks, soils, and time patterns), physical science (classification and motion), and life science (living and nonliving organisms and materials). Our hope is that students become fascinated with God’s beautiful creation.
Social Studies
The Kindergarten social studies curriculum focuses on exploring the world around us. Students are encouraged to make real-life connections between their lives and the topics being studied. Our specific emphasis will be on the family, school, community, and our nation. The concepts include historical understandings (holidays, National symbols, past/present/future, American legends), geographic understandings (map and globe skills, personal information), government and civic understandings (citizenship, character traits), and economic understandings (community helpers, wants/needs, U.S. currency). Our social studies resources include the Georgia Studies Weekly program, children’s literature books, technology, and guest speakers.
Kindergarten Specials
Visual Arts
The visual arts curriculum at Strong Rock Christian School utilizes beginning to advanced art classes and is taught from the perspective of a discipline-based art education. Students are taught historical information, skills for production, and analytical thinking for writing critical papers. We believe that the curriculum challenges students to recognize that like God’s creation, art reflects design and nothing created is random. The goal of the visual arts department at Strong Rock Christian School is to provide an effective, balanced, and God-centered study of visual arts, so that students are prepared to communicate their worldview effectively.
The mission of Strong Rock Christian School’s General Music Program is to reinforce musical concepts to young children. Students will continue to experience the concepts of steady beat, rhythmic reading, pitch, and melody (high and low sounds), dynamics (loud and soft), and tempo (fast and slow); as well as using singing, movement, games and playing instruments. Students will also be introduced to the concepts of timbre (bright and dark sounds), texture (how different timbres are grouped and combined), as well as to the use of simple musical forms (AB, ABA, Rondo). Kodaly and Orff practices will be used to instruct students along with the use of the “QuaverEd.com” online curriculum.
Physical Education
The purpose of Physical Education is to guide and motivate children to be active for a lifetime. The goal is to further develop large motor and hand-eye coordination, basic fitness knowledge, loco-motor and non-loco-motor movements, and understanding of their body through a wide variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities. Through the social interaction of organized play along with Biblical integration, students have the opportunity to grow and mature physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The elementary technology class strives to grow the students' technology skills to assist them throughout their schooling. Kindergarten students are exposed to age-appropriate technology skills. They learn how to: interact with the Smartboard, locate and name the main parts of the computer/laptop, use the mouse, and locate numbers and letters on the keyboard. They also begin to learn how to start and close programs, how to use educational websites, and even how computers run codes to work. Kindergarteners also begin to understand how they can be safe on the Internet. Lastly, they learn how they can utilize a green screen to stretch their imaginations. They go to technology class weekly.
1st Grade
1st Grade Core Classes
Our First Grade Bible course introduces Biblical stories and characters from the Old and New Testaments. Our Deep Roots Bible program is the resource that we use to teach Creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau, Joseph, and Moses. Students also learn historical events in the New Testament concerning the birth, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Prayer and developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is emphasized throughout the year. Daily Bible and prayer time and weekly chapel times are integral parts in helping our first grade students learn how to impact the world for Jesus Christ.
Language Arts
Our Language Arts program uses the Superkids Reading Program as our primary resource. This research-based program is used in whole group instruction and in small groups to teach reading, phonics, spelling, and writing. First Graders will learn grammar skills such as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, as well as spelling patterns and comprehension, and fluency. Accelerated Reader is another important component for assessing reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Students will learn four major types of written communication: narrative, informational, persuasive, and friendly letters. Students will have individualized sight word lists that build a strong sight word base, as well as phrases to build fluency.
Our First Grade mathematics program provides students with rich hands-on experiences to provide deeper understanding of mathematics. The enVision Math program is primarily integrated in the First Grade Mathematics curriculum. Envision Math is research based and provides students with various opportunities to be challenged with real life math problems. Students use manipulatives and other supplemental materials to create a balanced curriculum. Concepts learned in first grade are sorting, classifying, fractions, ordinals, addition and subtraction, geometry, measurement, money, and time. Technology plays a major part in differentiating instruction through math skills practice and homework. Students will also be challenged to master addition facts to 20 during the year.
God’s world is a vast and beautiful creation, and our Science program allows students to discover, explore, and investigate many aspects of it. Students will be involved in hands-on lessons focusing on life cycles of various plants and animals, magnetic forces, living and non-living things, states of matter, light and shadows, weather, and care of the human body. First graders are challenged to think about why God made things the way he did and what we can learn from His creation.
Social Studies
Our Social Studies program gives students an understanding of the world God created and that God has a purpose for their lives in that world. Students see God’s design through the study of citizenship, US Symbols, as well as the oceans, the continents, and various landforms. Students will learn map skills and directions, as well as famous Americans, including our Founding Fathers, Native Americans, Early Explorers, and the Pilgrims. In the economics unit, the students study needs versus wants, goods versus services, and producers versus consumers.
1st Grade Specials
Visual Arts
The visual arts curriculum at Strong Rock Christian School utilizes beginning to advanced art classes and is taught from the perspective of a discipline-based art education. Students are taught historical information, skills for production, and analytical thinking for writing critical papers. We believe that the curriculum challenges students to recognize that like God’s creation, art reflects design and nothing created is random. The goal of the visual arts department at Strong Rock Christian School is to provide an effective, balanced, and God-centered study of visual arts, so that students are prepared to communicate their worldview effectively.
The mission of Strong Rock Christian School’s General Music Program is to reinforce musical concepts to young children. Students will continue to experience the concepts of steady beat, rhythmic reading, pitch, and melody (high and low sounds), dynamics (loud and soft), and tempo (fast and slow); as well as using singing, movement, games and playing instruments. Students will also be introduced to the concepts of timbre (bright and dark sounds), texture (how different timbres are grouped and combined), as well as to the use of simple musical forms (AB, ABA, Rondo). Kodaly and Orff practices will be used to instruct students along with the use of the “QuaverEd.com” online curriculum.
Physical Education
The purpose of Physical Education is to guide and motivate children to be active for a lifetime. The goal is to further develop large motor and hand-eye coordination, basic fitness knowledge, loco-motor and non-loco-motor movements, and understanding of their body through a wide variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities. Through the social interaction of organized play along with Biblical integration, students have the opportunity to grow and mature physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The elementary technology class strives to grow the students' technology skills to assist them throughout their schooling. First grade students are exposed to age-appropriate technology skills. They continue to: interact with the Smartboard, locate and name the main parts of the computer/laptop, appropriately use the mouse, start and close programs on the desktop, and use educational websites. They utilize Google Classroom to learn how to edit presentations, documents, and spreadsheets. Concepts covered include finding necessary letters on the keyboard, inserting and interacting with images, changing fonts and colors, and the like. First grade also uses the classroom green screen to stretch their imaginations. They begin to understand how they can be safe on the Internet and the concept of coding. They go to technology class weekly.
Elementary piano class introduces basic piano skills and music theory to 1st through 4th grade students. Our goal is to teach students that music is a gift that transcends all languages, and to understand that they should use their talents to glorify God. Students begin by learning to identify the notes on the piano. They also work on strengthening their hand coordination and fingering skills with scales and other various playing exercises. They are taught to read music by learning how to identify notes, rhythms, and symbols. Fun songs, games, and videos are incorporated to achieve these goals.
2nd Grade
2nd Grade Core Classes
The primary goal of the Second Grade Bible class is to lay a strong foundation for a lifetime of Bible learning, to live the Bible as well as know the Bible, and to equip students with the tools needed to study Scripture with ease and confidence. Through the DeepRoots Bible Curriculum, our students will focus on the first four gospels. We will also have a special Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter Unit.. Within each unit, students will observe and study Scripture, memorize verses, learn about Biblical principles and character traits, and begin examining how all they have learned can help them share their faith with others. We want to prepare our students to share and defend their knowledge and faith with others according to God’s Word and ultimately impact the world for Jesus Christ – the Strong Rock.
The Superkids Reading Program builds upon skills from previous years including reading, spelling, and language skills. It expands the world of reading and writing by presenting motivating materials in authentic, “real-world” formats. Non-fiction is delivered in a magazine format full of articles about science, social studies, art, and world cultures. Our Book Club focuses on chapter books from a variety of fiction genres. Students learn to analyze and discuss the books in personal response to text journals. We also utilize the Accelerated Reader program to promote literacy development. Weekly fluency passages, vocabulary word studies, and reading comprehension discussions help second graders move from learning to read to reading to learn.
Spelling & Phonics
Spelling and Phonics uses decodable readers from the Superkids Reading Program and other resources to review and consolidate essential phonics, spelling, and grammar skills previously learned. Students will master the fundamentals of reading so they are able to succeed in the intermediate grades ahead. Students will have weekly spelling tests consisting of pattern words following phonics rules and memory words. Second grade students have the opportunity to participate in the ACSI spelling bee.
Writing & Grammar
Students will work on grammar skills, sentence structure, and the five steps of the writing process using the Superkids Reading Program and other resources. Students will identify parts of speech, types of sentences, and other related skills. Using the writing process, students are taught to express their ideas in a variety of written forms including opinion, informative/explanatory, narratives, research, and letter writing. Additionally, the fundamentals of lowercase cursive handwriting are introduced.
Mastering the basics of mathematics is essential to present and future success. McGraw-Hill My Math is built around rigorous standards and mathematical practices. Students use manipulatives and other supplemental materials to create a balanced curriculum. Through our math program, students will be asked to review math facts and think critically about a variety of real life math problems, all while practicing previously taught concepts. Geometry, algebra, and multiplication and division concepts are introduced. Additionally, the First in Math online program is available to elementary students as an at home resource for math practice and enrichment.
Our Science series seeks to honor God, the Creator, by training a generation of students to understand and embrace God’s design of His Creation. Using the scientific method, lessons are structured to offer as much hands-on activity as possible to engage students in discovery exploration and investigation. Units will include physical science, life science, and earth science.
Social Studies
Our Social Studies program helps students understand God’s purpose for them in our world. Using a variety of materials, students will study these topics: Native Americans, map skills, Georgia history, economics, natural resources, history of famous Americans, and national, state, and local government. Students will have several in-class and at-home projects to complete throughout the year.
2nd Grade Specials
Visual Arts
The visual arts curriculum at Strong Rock Christian School utilizes beginning to advanced art classes and is taught from the perspective of a discipline-based art education. Students are taught historical information, skills for production, and analytical thinking for writing critical papers. We believe that the curriculum challenges students to recognize that like God’s creation, art reflects design and nothing created is random. The goal of the visual arts department at Strong Rock Christian School is to provide an effective, balanced, and God-centered study of visual arts, so that students are prepared to communicate their worldview effectively.
The mission of Strong Rock Christian School’s General Music Program is to reinforce musical concepts to young children. Students will continue to experience the concepts of steady beat, rhythmic reading, pitch, and melody (high and low sounds), dynamics (loud and soft), and tempo (fast and slow); as well as using singing, movement, games and playing instruments. Students will also be introduced to the concepts of timbre (bright and dark sounds), texture (how different timbres are grouped and combined), as well as to the use of simple musical forms (AB, ABA, Rondo). Kodaly and Orff practices will be used to instruct students along with the use of the “QuaverEd.com” online curriculum.
Physical Education
The purpose of Physical Education is to guide and motivate children to be active for a lifetime. The goal is to further develop large motor and hand-eye coordination, basic fitness knowledge, loco-motor and non-loco-motor movements, and understanding of their body through a wide variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities. Through the social interaction of organized play along with Biblical integration, students have the opportunity to grow and mature physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The elementary technology class strives to grow the students' technology skills to assist them throughout their schooling. Second grade students are exposed to age-appropriate technology skills. They continue to: interact with the Smartboard, locate and name the main parts of the computer/laptop, appropriately use the mouse, start and close programs on the desktop, use educational websites. They utilize Google Classroom to learn how to edit presentations, documents, and spreadsheets. Concepts covered include typing, inserting and interacting with images, changing fonts and colors, keyboard shortcuts, proofing, and the like. They continue developing the skill of keyboarding, coding, and understanding the importance of digital citizenship. Second grade also uses the classroom green screen to stretch their imaginations. They go to technology class weekly.
Elementary piano class introduces basic piano skills and music theory to 1st through 4th grade students. Our goal is to teach students that music is a gift that transcends all languages, and to understand that they should use their talents to glorify God. Students begin by learning to identify the notes on the piano. They also work on strengthening their hand coordination and fingering skills with scales and other various playing exercises. They are taught to read music by learning how to identify notes, rhythms, and symbols. Fun songs, games, and videos are incorporated to achieve these goals.
3rd Grade
3rd Grade Core Classes
God is our Father and Creator and deserves our honor, glory and praise. Our Bible program will be devoted to instilling the necessity of spending time with our Father every day. Students will also learn about some of the important people that preceded Jesus in the Bible, Jesus’ life, and His life-saving choice, as well as how we should follow Christ.
Foundations and Frameworks (F&F) is designed to increase the reading comprehension skills of each student by using thought processing questions, varied texts, and visual tools associated with explicitly taught comprehension skills. F&F devotes about 60 minutes of time to reading, comprehending, and responding to text, as well as small group interaction. In addition to F&F, students will participate in the Accelerated Reader program to further increase their reading comprehension and fluency.
Language Arts
Language Arts instruction will focus on comprehending the basics of English grammar and using these tools appropriately through oral and written communication. Students will learn four major types of written communication (narrative, informational, persuasive, and response to literature) and use the writing process to complete a published work for each. Students will learn cursive concepts and will incorporate them throughout the writing genres. Language Arts will be incorporated into every other academic area, homework, and at-home project.
Mastering the basics of mathematics is essential to present and future success. Our math program is research based and committed to enriching students’ deeper understanding through hands-on activities, games, enrichment practice, and tutorials. Students will be asked to master multiplication facts and think critically about a variety of real life math problems all while reviewing previously taught concepts.
God’s world is a vast and beautiful creation, and our Science program allows students to discover, explore, and investigate many aspects of it. Students will be involved in inquiry lessons focusing on warm and cold-blooded animals, ecosystems, plants, rocks and minerals, and habitats of Georgia. Students will be challenged to think “outside the box” about why God made things the way He did and what we can learn from His creation.
Social Studies
Exploring the world around us includes looking back to see how the United States of America came to be. Our Social Studies program gives students the opportunity to develop an understanding of God’s purpose for them as productive members of society. Through the study of famous Americans, our government, and economics, students will develop a better understanding of how and why the world around them works.
3rd Grade Specials
Visual Arts
The visual arts curriculum at Strong Rock Christian School utilizes beginning to advanced art classes and is taught from the perspective of a discipline-based art education. Students are taught historical information, skills for production, and analytical thinking for writing critical papers. We believe that the curriculum challenges students to recognize that like God’s creation, art reflects design and nothing created is random. The goal of the visual arts department at Strong Rock Christian School is to provide an effective, balanced, and God-centered study of visual arts, so that students are prepared to communicate their worldview effectively.
The mission of Strong Rock Christian School’s General Music Program is to reinforce musical concepts to young children. Students will continue to experience the concepts of steady beat, rhythmic reading, pitch, and melody (high and low sounds), dynamics (loud and soft), and tempo (fast and slow); as well as using singing, movement, games and playing instruments. Students will also be introduced to the concepts of timbre (bright and dark sounds), texture (how different timbres are grouped and combined), as well as to the use of simple musical forms (AB, ABA, Rondo). Kodaly and Orff practices will be used to instruct students along with the use of the “QuaverEd.com” online curriculum.
Physical Education
The purpose of Physical Education is to guide and motivate children to be active for a lifetime. The goal is to further develop large motor and hand-eye coordination, basic fitness knowledge, loco-motor and non-loco-motor movements, and understanding of their body through a wide variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities. Through the social interaction of organized play along with Biblical integration, students have the opportunity to grow and mature physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The elementary technology class strives to grow the students' technology skills to assist them throughout their schooling. Third grade students are exposed to age-appropriate technology skills. They continue to: interact with the Smartboard, locate and name the main parts of the computer/laptop, appropriately use the mouse, start and close programs on the desktop, and use educational websites. They utilize Google Classroom to learn how to edit and create presentations, documents, and spreadsheets. Concepts covered include typing, inserting and interacting with images, changing fonts and colors, keyboard shortcuts, proofing, researching online material, and the like. They continue developing the skill of keyboarding, coding, and understanding the importance of digital citizenship. Third grade also uses the classroom green screen to stretch their imaginations and create videos. They go to technology class weekly.
Elementary piano class introduces basic piano skills and music theory to 1st through 4th grade students. Our goal is to teach students that music is a gift that transcends all languages, and to understand that they should use their talents to glorify God. Students begin by learning to identify the notes on the piano. They also work on strengthening their hand coordination and fingering skills with scales and other various playing exercises. They are taught to read music by learning how to identify notes, rhythms, and symbols. Fun songs, games, and videos are incorporated to achieve these goals.
4th Grade
4th Grade Core Classes
The primary goal of the Fourth Grade Bible class is to lay a strong foundation for a lifetime of Bible learning, to live the Bible as well as know the Bible, and to equip students with the tools needed to study Scripture with ease and confidence. Through the DeepRoots Bible Curriculum, our students will focus on the book of Acts and the early Church. Within each unit, students will observe and study Scripture, memorize verses, learn about Biblical principles and character traits, and begin examining how all they have learned can help them share their faith with others. We want to prepare our students to share and defend their knowledge and faith with others according to God’s Word and ultimately impact the world for Jesus Christ – the Strong Rock.
The Fourth Grade follows the scope and sequence of the Foundations & Frameworks reading program. Foundations & Frameworks is an instructional reading program that uses a collection of best instructional practices for equipping students to fully understand ideas conveyed in text. Throughout the year, students will explore specific reading skills such as sequence of events, cause and effect, character, and setting while reading a variety of interesting novels. Students focus on developing critical thinking skills through the creation of visual tools. Critical thinking skills are applied as students are immersed in the reading of God’s Word in order to know God and His intentions.
Language Arts
In Fourth Grade, students will deepen their understanding in the areas of spelling, writing, and grammar. ACSI’s Purposeful Design is used to supplement spelling, and BJU Press English text supplements student learning of both writing and grammar. Students work to master the formation of complete sentences and cohesive paragraphs through a greater understanding of grammatical structure of the English language. Through the use of the writing process aided by Step Up to Writing curriculum, students practice writing in different genres including narrative, expository, and persuasive writings.
The Fourth Grade mathematics curriculum deepens students’ fundamental concepts of numbers, and encourages students to expand their understanding by introducing new concepts in fractions, decimals, basic geometry, and measurement. Concepts that are expanded include multiplication, division, problem solving, measurement, data collection, and graphing. Students not only gain an understanding of concepts, but they also gain experience in applying the concepts to real-world situations. Students examine the Biblical principle that mathematics reveals God’s rational and designed order.
In Fourth Grade, the students explore, discover, and investigate some of the fundamental truths of science through hands on activities, experiments, discussions, and group work. ACSI’s Purposeful Design Science resource is used as a supplement to daily instruction. In Life Science, the focus is on ecosystems and how energy is transferred. Students will also explore motion and force in Physical Science. In Earth and Space Science, students investigate the water cycle, atmosphere, and universe. The Fourth Grade Science curriculum is based on the Biblical truth that God is the Creator and Designer of all things.
Social Studies
The Fourth Grade History/Geography course is a study of the history of the United States beginning with the formation of the original thirteen colonies and ending with the abolitionist and suffrage movement. Studies Weekly, a social studies resource, is used as a supplement to daily instruction. Students explore the decisions and actions of individuals and groups and the causes that came as the result of these decisions and actions. An emphasis is placed on the impact of the Christian faith in the formation of our country. American government, including the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and three branches of government, are investigated when the American Revolution and Independence are studied. The geography of the United States is studied through hands on activities. Students examine God’s control over the formation of nations, and the impact of the Christian faith on the founders of our country.
4th Grade Specials
Visual Arts
The visual arts curriculum at Strong Rock Christian School utilizes beginning to advanced art classes and is taught from the perspective of a discipline-based art education. Students are taught historical information, skills for production, and analytical thinking for writing critical papers. We believe that the curriculum challenges students to recognize that like God’s creation, art reflects design and nothing created is random. The goal of the visual arts department at Strong Rock Christian School is to provide an effective, balanced, and God-centered study of visual arts, so that students are prepared to communicate their worldview effectively.
The mission of Strong Rock Christian School’s General Music Program is to reinforce musical concepts to young children. Students will continue to experience the concepts of steady beat, rhythmic reading, pitch, and melody (high and low sounds), dynamics (loud and soft), and tempo (fast and slow); as well as using singing, movement, games and playing instruments. Students will also be introduced to the concepts of timbre (bright and dark sounds), texture (how different timbres are grouped and combined), as well as to the use of simple musical forms (AB, ABA, Rondo). Kodaly and Orff practices will be used to instruct students along with the use of the “QuaverEd.com” online curriculum.
Physical Education
The purpose of Physical Education is to guide and motivate children to be active for a lifetime. The goal is to further develop large motor and hand-eye coordination, basic fitness knowledge, loco-motor and non-loco-motor movements, and understanding of their body through a wide variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities. Through the social interaction of organized play along with Biblical integration, students have the opportunity to grow and mature physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The elementary technology class strives to grow the students' technology skills to assist them throughout their schooling. Fourth grade students are exposed to age-appropriate technology skills. They continue to: interact with the Smartboard, locate and name the main parts of the computer/laptop, appropriately use the mouse, start and close programs on the desktop, and use educational websites. They utilize Google Classroom to learn how to edit and create presentations, documents, and spreadsheets. Concepts covered include typing, inserting and interacting with images, changing fonts and colors, keyboard shortcuts, proofing, researching online material, stop-motion animation, and the like. They continue developing the skill of keyboarding, coding, and understanding the importance of digital citizenship. Fourth grade also uses the classroom green screen to stretch their imaginations and create videos. They go to technology class weekly.
Elementary piano class introduces basic piano skills and music theory to 1st through 4th grade students. Our goal is to teach students that music is a gift that transcends all languages, and to understand that they should use their talents to glorify God. Students begin by learning to identify the notes on the piano. They also work on strengthening their hand coordination and fingering skills with scales and other various playing exercises. They are taught to read music by learning how to identify notes, rhythms, and symbols. Fun songs, games, and videos are incorporated to achieve these goals.
5th Grade
5th Grade Core Classes
In the Fifth Grade Bible course, the primary goal is to make the Word of God more meaningful to the life of each student. By looking at basic principles, learning the history of the Bible, and memorizing Scripture, students begin to develop the confidence to share their knowledge and faith with others according to God’s Word. The Bible (ESV) and utilizing Positive Action Bible Curriculum are our sources of study. Students use the entire Bible as their source with passages from various books used in each lesson. Emphasis is placed on the Old Testament with character studies and lessons from The Fall of Man to the Minor Prophets. It is our strongest desire that each student leaving the fifth grade will have a personal relationship with Christ, a deep knowledge of Scripture, a clear understanding of right from wrong, a developing confidence to share Christ with others, and a love for serving others as Christ did.
The Fifth Grade Reading course emphasizes reading comprehension, analysis, and fluency. Through novel studies, students take ownership of their reading, are held accountable for their level of comprehension, and are challenged with problem-solving developing higher-level thinking skills. Students read novels that are appropriately leveled and learn and build vocabulary knowledge within different contexts. The course is also designed to prepare students for reading, thinking, and problem-solving in real-world situations. The Accelerated Reader Program is used in addition to motivate students and personalize reading by allowing students to set individualized goals suitable for their reading level.
Biblical Concepts for Reading:- There is an order to how things happen, and one event can influence all the events that follow; therefore, we must be conscientious to make moral choices that please God.
- God can teach us through trouble and tragedy because He alone is our hope.
- The thoughts of God are specifically revealed in written form through Scripture.
- Excessive devotion to books is tiresome, and it is wise to be selective in what we read.
Language Arts
In our Fifth Grade Language Arts course, students build on prior knowledge to begin incorporating grammar correctly within the writing process. The writing process focuses on organization, content, idea, word choice, and sentence fluency. Students will be exposed to friendly letters, poetry, compare and contrast, narrative, expository, and persuasive writing, along with completing a research paper implementing the entire research process. The course also highlights and expands grammatical skills. Resources used are Daily Grammar Practice created by Dawn Burnette and English for Christian Schools published by BJU Press.
Biblical Concepts for Language Arts:- Mankind was created to communicate in ways that are clear, interesting, and easily understood.
- The human ability to use language is a reminder that we have been made in the likeness of God for the task of ruling in the earth, with the capacity to manage abstract thought and process creative reasoning.
- People have the capacity to praise and magnify God through thought, speech, and written language.
- When people use language to communicate, they are following a logical process that God thought through beforehand.
In the Fifth Grade Mathematics course, students review and advance in general concepts including whole numbers, place values from millions to thousandths, graphing, decimals, fractions, measurement, and geometry. The course gives an introduction of algebraic concepts and order of operations. Real-world applications and problem-solving logic are used to build math confidence and provide an enjoyable learning environment. Numerous learning manipulatives and outside resources are used. Biblical Concepts taught through the Mathematics course include: Man’s God –given dominion; Man’s use of God’s resources; Man’s responsibility to glorify God; God’s salvation through Christ; Man’s responsibility to glorify God; Christian behavior as showing God’s love to others; Christians as faithful workers; Honesty; Christians as dependable workers; Man’s use of wisdom to serve his fellow man; Man’s demonstration of God’s love; and the truth that we live in an intelligently designed and ordered world.
In the Fifth Grade Science course students are presented with various ways to explore, discover, and investigate the world around them. Students develop a basic understanding of constructive and destructive processes, examine animal/plant classifications, explore electricity and magnetism, compare chemical and physical processes, and discover the secret realm of microscopic life. Opportunities to kinesthetically learn as each topic is explored provide the students with an exciting learning environment. Experiments and the use of scientific equipment also provide a hands-on approach to learning about God’s design of the world around them. We use our Science textbook as our secondary source.
Social Studies
The Fifth Grade Social Studies course is a study of the history of the United States beginning with the Civil War and ending in the 21st century with current events. The course provides students with an opportunity to identify players, locations, and circumstances of America’s Civil War; the people’s expansion west; World War I; the Roaring Twenties; Great Depression; World War II; and America’s role in bringing resolution of the Cold War. Students will survey major themes, ideas, conflicts, and movements of these periods as well. Critical thinking skills, discussion, note taking, and writing are implemented as students actively participate in learning significant events in history. Other than PowerPoint presentations, videos, pictures, and props. We use Georgia Studies Weekly newspapers as a secondary source.
5th Grade Electives
Fine Arts
The mission of Strong Rock Christian School’s Fifth & Sixth Grade Academy Chorus is to enrich students’ vocal abilities through the study of two-part and three-part choral music, along with the practice of proper vocal techniques; music reading skills; and finally, the ultimate presentation of these skills through public performance. Students perform choral literature that ranges in style from classical pieces in Latin to contemporary Pop and Jazz pieces, developing an eclectic musical palette of musical genres that will help them become well-rounded musicians in the years to come. Students perform in seasonal concerts and festivals each year: Fall Concert, Christmas Concert, Spring Festival, Spring Concert, and finally the big Spring Musical that features the cooperation of all the fine arts groups at Strong Rock Christian School.
5th grade Class Piano: Beginning Piano
The Beginning Piano class focuses on music fundamentals which provide the opportunity to become proficient at a level 2 piano skill by the end of the first year. Students will learn correct hand position, posture, note reading, and rhythm skills that will enable them to play a variety of music including folk, Christian, popular and classical styles with solo and ensemble performance opportunities throughout the school year. This class will play solos in the cafeteria at Christmas and in 4 -part orchestrated Ensembles in the May Concert. God is the giver of the human ability to create.
5th grade Visual Art
The visual arts curriculum at Strong Rock Christian School utilizes beginning to advanced art classes and is taught from the perspective of a discipline-based art education. Students are taught historical information, skills for production, and analytical thinking for writing critical papers. We believe that the curriculum challenges students to recognize that like God’s creation, art reflects design and nothing created is random. The goal of the visual arts department at Strong Rock Christian School is to provide an effective, balanced, and God-centered study of visual arts, so that students are prepared to communicate their worldview effectively. This is a nine-week rotation class.
Beginning Band
Beginning Band is available to all students with parents who are prepared to invest in an instrument and instrument supplies. This is a performing ensemble. This ensemble shows students how to produce sounds on their respective instruments as well as take advantage of performing quality beginning wind literature. The Standard of Excellence method book is the main textbook for this ensemble. Performances are scheduled Christmas and Spring Concerts.
Physical Education
Physical Education provides each student with the opportunity to participate in a program consisting of skill development, lead-up games, team sports, and physical fitness activities. The students receive instruction in rules, skills, and strategies associated with the different sports as well as learning experiences involving physical conditioning activities. The program promotes the keys of good sportsmanship, spirit of cooperation, leadership, fair play, and friendly competition.
The purpose of the technology class is to enable students to address the challenges of the 21st century. By using technology, students will be encouraged to solve problems, select appropriate technology for different tasks, create solutions, and evaluate their accomplishments. Students will develop a foundation in becoming life-long users of technology so that they may enhance the quality of their lives. Throughout the nine-week period or the semester, assignments may include but are not limited to Keyboarding, Email, Paint, Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Internet, and Excel.